Here’s a project we did for Future Shop to help promote its Cellshop brand. This was shot mostly in Montreal and utilized tilt-shift photography to make the real locations feel fake and miniaturized. We animated our little cart traveling around town looking for the right cell phone and plan. An awesome 8-bit soundtrack was composed by Op-music who also created the Future Shop rift ringtone at the end.
These are some images that document the filming of the Cellshop video.
The Future Shop “Super Cart Adventure” video is featured in today’s Marketing Magazine News.
Thanks to Allen Chen and his team at Future Shop who helped make this project a lot of fun.
Featured all across Canada, “Super Cart Adventure” is a concept we developed for Future Shop’s cell phone department. This ad is a shortened version of the popular YouTube video. Our idea was to animate a small shopping cart that sets out to find the right cell phone and plan and discovers the Cellshop where familiar vintage/technology objects bring to mind the options it desires. Thanks to Allen Chen’s team at Future Shop and Olivier at Op-music.